Aims & Objectives
Over the past 5 years, IoT technology has grown rapidly and it is expected that by 2025, IoT may reach a total potential market impact of up to $11.1 trillion. Large shipping corporations are already investing heavily in IoT solutions in their fleet to improve transparency, safety, and cost efficiency by optimising procedures, maintenance & energy efficiency. Shipowners are set to spend an average of $2.5m, each, on IoT solutions over the next 3 years. In addition, the marine surveying infrastructure transformation through IoT technologies is expected to enable the shipping industry, port authorities or environmental agencies, to inspect shipping assets, offshore structures, waterways & ensure compliance with various standards or specifications.
In contrast, formal Maritime & Surveying IoT training on development, installation, service, maintenance & sustainability awareness is at its infancy, especially in the EU. The Surveying & MARiTime internet of thingS EducAtion (SMARTSEA) project aims to develop an advanced interactive certified MSc course related to Maritime & Surveyor IoT applications that will train individuals with the necessary skills & knowledge to work in the rising “Smart Maritime & Surveying” industry. The course is also formulated to stimulate transversal competences such as the increased sense of initiative & entrepreneurship. It will follow the ECTS credit standards for certification recognition across the EU.
The innovative curriculum is comprised by interactive teaching methods & partnerships with expert academic & maritime organisations to give to the students a solid background for starting a fruitful career in the industry. The course duration is 8 months, plus a 1-month maritime (on the job) experience. In addition, in 2 mobility periods,the students & educators from one university will travel to the other and vice-versa, to participate in the large-scale laboratories, whereas a 3rd period is reserved for the maritime on-the-job training.
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