The Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology (BISITE) Research Group is formed by a group of researchers whose principal interest is the development and application of intelligent computer systems to different types of problems: AI, ML, Deep Learning, Emotional Systems, Fintech, Blockchain, IoT, Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Intelligent Textiles. BISITE has around a hundred members with a very wide range of professional backgrounds: computer scientists, biologists, pharmacists, physicists and economists. This gives the group its multidisciplinary character. The group collaborates intensively in more than 50 research projects with companies, universities and research centres. The work done by this group has an eminently practical component, nevertheless it does not miss the theoretical aspects which are the backbone of any research. The BISITE research group is responsible for the development of the IoT Digital Innovation Hub. Moreover, it coordinates a number of highly successful postgraduate courses in the fields of its expertise. Also, its members are in charge of organizing several international congresses.
Juan M. Corchado – BISITE’s PI

Address: Edificio Multiusos I+D+I, Sala 24.1, Calle Espejo s/n, 37007, Salamanca, Spain
Phone: (+34) 618 696 589 | (+34) 923 294 400