This page contains the public repository for project’s publications/scientific papers.
Panagiotis Maroulas, Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis, George Katranas and Theodoros Kosmanis (2021). Design and Configuration of Software Tools for the Remote Performance of Laboratory Experiments in Marine Survey Education. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions, 18th International Conference (DCAI 2021)
Alexandros Charitonidis, Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis, Kalliopi Kravari and Theodoros Kosmanis (2021). Marine Surveying Education by Implementing Artificial Intelligence on Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle Sensors. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions, 18th International Conference (DCAI 2021)
Marta Plaza-Hernández (2020). An IoT-Based ROUV for Environmental Monitoring. International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAMI2020)
Marta Plaza-Hernández (2020). An intelligent platform for the monitoring and evaluation of critical marine infrastructures. International Congress on Blockchain and Applications (BLOCKCHAIN2020)
Kalliopi Kravari, Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis and Theodoros Kosmanis (2020) AIRUV: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle with Artificial Intelligence Perspectives. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions, 17th International Conference (DCAI 2020)
Marta Plaza-Hernández, Ana Belén Gil-González, Sara Rodríguez-González, Javier Prieto-Tejedor, Juan Manuel Corchado-Rodríguez (2020). Integration of IoT Technologies in the Maritime Industry. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions, 17th International Conference (DCAI 2020)
Marta Plaza-Hernández, Inés Sittón-Candanedo, Ricardo S. Alonso, Luis C. Martínez-de Iturrate, Javier Prieto, Juan M. Corchado, Kalliopi Kravari, Theodoros Kosmanis, George Katranas and Miguel P. Silva (2020). Edge Computing and Internet of Things based Platform to Improve the Quality of Life of the Silver Economy on Leisure Cruise Ships. International Conference on Transport and Smart Cities (ICOTSC 2020)
George Katranas, Andreas Riel, Juan Manuel Corchado-Rodríguez, Marta Plaza-Hernández (2020). SMARTSEA Education Approach to Leveraging the Internet of Things in the Maritime Industry. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement, EuroSPI 2020.
Plaza-Hernández, M., Corchado, J.M and Katranas, G. (2019) The Surveying & Maritime Internet of Things Education (SMARTSEA). Cercetari Marine, vol. 49.